Bayesian A/B testing in R

Casual interference
Bayesian interference
Using A/B testing in R with the bayesAB package

Jakob Johannesson


May 13, 2022

Introduction to bayesian A/B testing

Part 1

Watch this amazing series if you need an introduction to baysian.

Part 2

Part 3

Loading packages

Install bayesAB if you do not have it.

# Loading packages


Loading data

# Loading data


 0  1 
 3 13 
 0  1 
42 58 

Checking the maximum likelihood

[1] 0.8125
[1] 0.58

We have no idea what lies in the data

Using a uninformative prior.

Setup for the test

Using Bernoulli distribution with 100k samples.

AB1 <- bayesTest(A, B, priors = c('alpha' = 1, 'beta' = 1),
                 n_samples = 1e5, distribution = 'bernoulli')
Distribution used: bernoulli 
Using data with the following properties: 
             A    B
Min.    0.0000 0.00
1st Qu. 1.0000 0.00
Median  1.0000 1.00
Mean    0.8125 0.58
3rd Qu. 1.0000 1.00
Max.    1.0000 1.00
Conjugate Prior Distribution: Beta 
Conjugate Prior Parameters: 
[1] 1

[1] 1

Calculated posteriors for the following parameters: 
Monte Carlo samples generated per posterior: 
[1] 1e+05

Checking out the results from the summary

Quantiles of posteriors for A and B:

       0%       25%       50%       75%      100% 
0.2445932 0.7171955 0.7879369 0.8483182 0.9912624 

       0%       25%       50%       75%      100% 
0.3743089 0.5462008 0.5793034 0.6119321 0.7599387 


P(A > B) by (0)%: 

[1] 0.95664


Credible Interval on (A - B) / B for interval length(s) (0.9) : 

        5%        95% 
0.01391909 0.68653184 


Posterior Expected Loss for choosing A over B:

[1] 0.004511233

Plotting the results



Posterior Expected Loss for choosing A over B: 4.5 percent.

Rasmus Bååth example - Using one distribution

I run through the examples from Rasmus Bååth. Check it out.

We will send 16 mails to people and 6 signed up, how good is this method? We are searching for the probability that a random person who receives the offer will signup. We know that is possible to extract the maximum likelihood.

\[\frac{Signed\ up}{Recieved\ Offer}=\frac{6}{16}=0.375=37.5\ percent\]

16 however is a small sample of people, how certain can we be that it is giving us any value. We can use bayesian methods to extract the possible ways to reach 16 people.

What would the rate of sign-up be if method A was used on a larger number of people?

# Number of random draws from the prior
n_draws <- 10000

prior <- runif(n_draws,0,1) # Here you sample n_draws draws from the prior  
hist(prior) # It's always good to eyeball the prior to make sure it looks ok.

# Here you define the generative model
generative_model <- function(rate) {

# Here you simulate data using the parameters from the prior and the 
# generative model
subs <- rep(NA, n_draws)
for(i in 1:n_draws) {
  subs[i] <- generative_model(prior[i])

# Here you filter off all draws that do not match the data.
posterior <- prior[subs == 6] 

hist(posterior) # Eyeball the posterior

length(posterior) # See that we got enought draws left after the filtering.
[1] 605
                  # There are no rules here, but you probably want to aim
                  # for >1000 draws.

# Now you can summarize the posterior, where a common summary is to take the mean
# or the median posterior, and perhaps a 95% quantile interval.
[1] 0.3837504
quantile(posterior, c(0.025, 0.975))
     2.5%     97.5% 
0.1805234 0.6013402 
sum(posterior > 0.2) / length(posterior)
[1] 0.9636364

 2.5% 97.5% 
   17    63 

If we send the mail to 100 people it is likely we will see it being between 16 and 61 people.


Thanks for reading this post, this has been a post on A/B testing in R using Bayesian methods. It is a superb way for data scientist to discover what version is the best. Ciao!